
Applies to: Elbow/Hand/Wrist, Foot/Ankle, Hip, Knee, Shoulder


Bursitis commonly causes painful swelling around muscles and bones. Symptoms are often experienced in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, or ankle. Bursitis is caused when a joint is overused or when direct trauma has been sustained, often at the knee or elbow. Repeated injuries to one local area usually cause bursitis.

Risk increases with age.  Infections, arthritis, and diabetes can cause bursa swelling.

These are things that you can do to minimize your risk of getting bursitis and to reduce flare-ups if you already suffer from one or both of these conditions: 

  • Regular exercise with a good warm-up to strengthen the muscles around the joints
  • Taking frequent breaks from repetitive tasks
  • Cushioning the affected joint
  • Increasing the gripping surface on tools by using gloves, grip tape, or other padding
  • Positioning your body properly when doing daily tasks and spreading the load when handling heavy objects
  • Beginning new activities or exercises slowly

Our physical therapists can help you learn techniques to reduce re-injury and relieve pain.