
Applies to: Back, Elbow/Hand/Wrist, Foot/Ankle, Hip, Knee


Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease. It is mainly characterized by two features: a decrease in bone mass and a decrease in bone density. This can lead to an increased risk of bone fracture.

Osteoporosis does not present any obvious symptoms, but it does carry the risk of increased susceptibility to fractures. Typically fractures occur in the vertebral column, hip, wrist, and rib.

Some risk factors of osteoporosis are not modifiable. Advanced age, race, heredity, build, and previous fractures are all risk factors that little can be done about. However, there are also steps you can take to decrease your chances of developing osteoporosis. These include:

  • Consuming alcoholic beverages in moderation
  • Getting enough vitamin D, either in supplement form or through regular time spent outside in sunlight
  • Not using tobacco products
  • Eating regular healthy, balanced meals
  • Consuming moderate amounts of protein
  • Doing regular moderate exercise
  • Ensuring that you are not exposing yourself to heavy metals by monitoring diet and exposure to environmental heavy metals
  • Foregoing soft-drinks