Occupational Health/Worker Compensation Injuries

Applies to: Back, Elbow/Hand/Wrist, Foot/Ankle, Head, Hip, Knee, Neck, Shoulder

Occupational Health/Worker Compensation Injuries

Workplace accidents can result in various injuries, no matter your job type. Common injuries include joint problems, cuts, falls, burns, and fractures. Depending on your occupation, there are specific risks. 

For example, if your job involves doing the same movements over and over, like lifting things or typing on a computer, you might end up with sprains, damage to your ligaments, or conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. Misuse of tools at work can also lead to cuts or punctures. Standing for long periods or moving heavy objects can cause strain, especially in the feet and back. Slip and fall incidents can result in bruises, swelling, or broken bones. If your job exposes you to fire, heat, or chemical fumes, you might have breathing issues, burns, heat exhaustion, or rashes. Those who drive trucks and cars or operate heavy machinery are susceptible to accidents that can cause broken bones, sprains, or wounds.

Awareness of the specific risks in your workplace is crucial for ensuring safety. Coastal Health can assist in navigating the recovery process in case of injuries.